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Accueil > Les dates qui ont fait l’Europe > 4 Novembre 2008 : regards européens sur les élections américaines > The miracle of this 4th November may actually lie in this wonderful (...)

The miracle of this 4th November may actually lie in this wonderful irony

dimanche 28 décembre 2008, par J-M Bettembourg

In the United States of America, the election of Barack Obama is a real turning point. Indeed, it is a huge hope for and coming from America. With such a leader in Washington the world’s destiny might be changed forever. But now the duty to keep his promises and not to disappoint his followers weighs down on Obama. It will probably not be the case since everyone’s hopes are as huge as the work awaiting the successor of Bush at a time when the crisis strikes all the economies.

The miracle of this 4th November may actually lie in this wonderful irony : Barack Obama, the first Black president in the United States, was elected not for his colour of skin, but for his political platform and for his qualities as a leader, by a nation subject to one of the worst economic crises of its history. This victory is good news for the country. Obama embodies America’s hope and people trust him.

Obama’s election is also a great victory for Black people. He proved, as an ambitious and determined man, that an African American could become the new president. He fulfilled Martin Luther King’s dream by being elected by Black and even White people. It may lead to the end of segregation. It is a real hope for the Black community.

S. Mellot, 3rd December, 2008 - Lycée en Forêt, Montargis, FRANCE.