Journal Européen En Ligne

Journal Européen En Ligne

Accueil > Les dates qui ont fait l’Europe > 4 Novembre 2008 : regards européens sur les élections américaines > A REVOLUTION FOR THE USA, A HOPE FOR US.


dimanche 28 décembre 2008, par J-M Bettembourg

Because we hope that as he has fulfilled the dream of Martin Luther King, he will achieve ours...

We, Students of Lycée en Forêt have specially followed the American elections.
Indeed, thanks to our English teacher, we could work on this event and by the same way, understand that what we were living was historical. Indeed, for 20 years, we haven’t lived such an important and exciting event : History seemed to be paralysed ; the World looked sweltered with only bad things, such as wars, terrorism, racism, intolerance and so on... And we spent our time to hope that one day, these things could change.

And, on the 4th of November, what we so longed for, happened : Barack Obama, a black man was elected president of the USA, the country of segregation.
By this event, we enter a new area, an area of change. Moreover we are the privileged witnesses and soon actors of it.
Then, I and some of my classmates have been totally contaminated by the Obamania which has spread across the world and also across our high school, but we have also been affected by the wave of hope and expectations that Barack Obama inspired to us.
Indeed, the story of this coloured man who was bred by his single mother, came from a poor social background and became now the first black president of the first superpower of the World, permits us to believe that nothing is impossible.
This victory is finally neither only a success for the Democratic Party, nor for the Blacks, but it’s the victory of everyone in the world who fights against prejudices, injustice...

From now on, my eyes and these of everybody are riveted on him, because we hope that as he has fulfilled the dream of Martin Luther King, he will achieve ours.
Moreover, we expect him not to disappoint us insofar as we need to continue to believe that dreams can come true.

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